Living Life Independently

19 Jan 2018

After graduating from High School, I was still unsure of what direction to take and what field to get in to. It had been a long standing issue as I’m sure many other individuals also experienced as well. However, after taking classes in Liberal Arts, I had given myself an opportunity to earn credits while determining what degree to study for. I began by taking prerequisite courses at KCC. By doing so, I finally decided to enroll for courses in Computer Science. It has been somewhat of a passion of mine growing up to understand how devices such as cellular phones and computers operate from not only the software programming aspect, but the hardware scale of it as well.

Going to college and working has been accustomed to me since my first year in college and as of today is still a challenging obstacle. Teaching yourself how to allocate an appropriate amount of time for studies while managing work and sleep; there is never a dull moment. Much like other aspects of life, it requires much focus, effort and discipline. Something I am still learning as of today. I have struggled on many occasions balancing everything and often times, it has hindered my efforts in doing well in college. I view it as a learning experience that I hope to improve myself now and in the future. I decided to become fully independent by paying for my own tuition, rent and living expenses. It is an ongoing challenge and with enough passion, dedication and effort I will accomplish my current goal of graduating with a degree in Computer Science.

I would like to gain much knowledge in the courses I’m taking at UH Manoa and without overwhelming myself, set a graduation date for me to achieve. Although, I still have somewhat of a long ways to go, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. It is going to take more determination and hard work now than ever as the classes become increasingly challenging. In order for me to be successful, I will have to allocate more time for studying and ensure that I’m not just caught up, but ahead in class assignments.